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Tour El Ángel
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  • 1 día

    1 día

  • Edad mínima : sin limite / min 2 personas

    Edad mínima : sin limite / min 2 personas

  • Tiempo del itinerario : 7 H ida/vuelta

    Tiempo del itinerario : 7 H ida/vuelta

  • Descripción

    Ecological Reserve El Ángel is located in the province of Carchi in northern Ecuador Sierra region.

    Battalions of thousands of vegetal beings provided with the most extraordinary adaptations, challenge the rigor of the climate in the high páramos of El Ángel: they are the Frailejones; the most representative plants of this protected area. They have a crown rosette leaves covered with whitish hairs that protect from the cold, repel water and reflect the excess solar radiation; because of its velvety texture they are also known as "rabbit ears"

    The wasteland of El Ángel is very humid and has many lagoons. In the buffer zone of the reserve there are forests of paper trees (polylepis), named for the color of its bark and because its trunk is flaked. The forest is located in a valley of glacial origin of the Quaternary era, between 2 and 4 million years ago, which was born this unique primary vegetation type in the world.

    The reserve is home to numerous species of animals including stand, deer, condors and ´curiquingues´ (bird) roam throughout the area.

    You can take walks and reach a overlook where you will appreciate the different valleys and surrounding mountains.

  • Itinerario

    The price includes
    • Private transport
    • Lunch
    • Professional bilingual tourism guide Spanish / English

      Price excludes
      • Drinks and snacks
      • Unspecified personal expenses: personal purchases, telephone use, etc.
      • Entrances to parks and museums

        Trip requirements
        • Ecuadorians: citizenship card
        • Foreigners: valid passport
        • It is recommended to bring proof of insurance or an insurance card
        • In case of allergy, health problems, bring your medications and notify the tour guide

          What to bring on our tour?
          • Trekking pants
          • Waterproof jacket
          • Hat or hat
          • Sunblock
          • Photo camera
          • Credit and debit card or cash
          • Drinks and snacks
          • Trekking poles (optional)
          • Scarf and gloves
          • Suitable shoes

  • Mapa

  • Precio

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